RED WINE : Solution for Mental Anxiety and Alzheimer

Feeling anxious is very common among everyone. Due to various external factors we got nervous for example, like making important decisions, problems faced during work, during exams. The increasing symptoms of anxiety and depression may cause the increase in beta-amyloid proteins (based on study), a hallmark characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease.


Moderate consumption of red wine (a glass a day) can be beneficial for one’s physical and mental health. Red wine is an alcoholic beverage made from grapes in which red color is developed due to fermentation.


Consuming red wine in balanced amount may reduce the risk of depression. It provides the relaxation to the mind and not make it overwhelmed with unnecessary thoughts and stress. Insomnia is one of the main reasons for mental instability and stress. Red wine is rich in melatonin, a hormone which plays an important role in our sleep.

Red wine also contains resveratrol, which helps to repair the damaged blood-brain barriers and allowing proper blood circulation in the brain. The proper blood circulation slows down the effect of Alzheimer’s disease. Resveratrol also acts as an antioxidant which helps to protect the body from fear of cancer and heart problems.


                                                                                                  By   Ritish Saraf


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