FLAVORED MILK : Healthier Alternative for Juices and Sports Drinks

Juices and various other drinks play a very vital role in one’s diet as they provide various vitamins and minerals. It provides the energy and capacity to do various tasks. Sports persons usually consume various energy drink or soft drink to replenish their body and gain instant energy.

Juices and soft drinks contains large amount of sugar and extra calories which cannot be suitable. And also soft drinks have other health effects.

Flavored milk can be opted as a better alternative for those juices and drink. Consumption of milk enriches us with nine essential vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in our diet. Flavored milk provides more amount of calcium without the consumption of more fat and calories. According to the study it is also stated that BMI (Body Mass Index) of person with more milk in diet is lower than the non-milk drinker.

Milk also provides sufficient amount of vitamin D. Insufficient intake of vitamin D in children and adolescents increases the cardiovascular risk factors which includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar, low HDL cholesterol and metabolic syndrome.

Flavored milk has more muscle-binding protein than juices and other drinks. The nine essential vitamin and minerals helps to build and repair the muscle cells, which makes it a good post-exercise beverage and a healthier alternative to sports drinks.

Flavored milk not only offers the great taste but also offers low fat and low calories drinks which can be used for an alternative of any sports drink or high sugar content fruit juice for any age group.

                                                                                                                By Ritish Saraf


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